Wednesday 9 December 2009

My work.

I thought I'd share some of my work with you all.


There sits the enchilada,

Baked in the oven,

Burrito or fajita

It is not.

Release to me your saucy chilli,

Your piquant jalapeƱo fire.

Enchilada. Burns.


There sits the burrito.

Beans. Refried.

Cream. Soured.

Taco or enchilada,

It is not.

As I bite into you,

Your delicious innards spill out

Upon the path.


You ruin me so.


There sits the Fajita.


You are but vegetables,


And cheese.

Refried beans are a potential,

Have you one pound and twenty to spare.

Would that I had a cast iron dishy,

To serve you from.

Saturday 7 February 2009


Damned QVC and ideal world selling me the super peeler!

Damn I want a super peeler so bad I stole Ash's laptop to get one!

This peeler is genius...look at it here! insane! want insane julienning powers!


Thursday 5 February 2009

If real life were more like TV life: Pros and cons.

Today I draw your eyes, readers, to the light hearted land of television where trials and tribulations happen but in the end the internal goodness and long term bonds between the characters mean more than the fact that one has shagged the other's boyfriend.

Even the houses of students, the clinically depressed and alcoholics are humble, but empty of clutter, always tidy and clean.During those hilarious sub plots where everyone refuses to do the washing up for a month, TV can't capture the way that it is when you walk on the floor without shoes on your feet and your socks turn black, or worse, stick to something unidentifiable but quite definitely brown. It can't transmit the smell of rotting food, can't hear the buzzing of little flies about the place, and in reality, it isn't all dealt with and forgotten by the next episode. Someone get pissed off and cleans the place, but everyone feels persecuted, wonders about the stuff that they actually do and why it is that no one notices, and the tension is always there under the surface between people bubbling away until the next time someone makes a load of mess and doesn't clean up afterwards. (just so everyone know, my house isn't as bad as all that)

Life isn't like TV where all of the stuff that people do like cleaning the house, cooking food, taking a crap, studying, working miraculously happens without any time and effort. Life doesn't revolve around work and study and bodily functions and sleeping, oh no. (I wonder if that's a dangerous ideal of things to put about...another time perhaps) If they do these things it's for the love of them or for the sake of furthering the plot. Take awful Monica from friends she luurrrrves the cleaning and the organising and the cooking she loves it! She loves it so much, that no one else needs to worry about the cleaning, they can get on with all the things they do with their lives, she just goes around cleaning everyone else's apartments too, presumably because all Joey ever does is sit around drinking beer and eating pizza (yet he doesn't get fat, what's going on with that? I bet he takes laxatives.) Anyway, that's her function. She's a perfectly formed piece in the puzzle. In real life, everyone likes to have a clean house, but only mad people really really like to do cleaning and those people are the kinds of people who leave little post it notes around the place telling their flatmates that the speck of dust on the shelf in their own room is completely unacceptable, that one is a true relation. On TV, Monica loves cleaning. She's a bit of a control freak, but that's alright because she's a loveable control freak and she has a flaw, because she used to be a fat chick, oh I see, everything is explained. Haha ha ha ha.

The problem with TV...the problem? Tv is stressful. During all that time when TV people are busy not doing real life things, they are going about having awkward and predictably catastrophic situations, better climb out the window to escape, only the window is broken so it falls down on you as you're trying to slip out furtively and you get stuck, then your wife's twin sister who you've just been making out with by accident thinks your constipated and comes in, so you have to come up with a crayzay lie to get yourself out of the situation, only to find yourself in another...but it will all work out ok and some kind of weird lesson will be learned at the end of it. Sounds appalling D: I'll take TV land without the lulz please.

The truth is that people don't slot in together nicely, there isn't an implicit understanding between brothers and sisters and friends that suggests that it's happened before and it'll happen again but that's all ok. People have incompatible wants and needs, different ideas about what and who they are and where they should be in their lives and whether it's said or not, everyone wants everyone else to fit nicely into their ideal of living and not want or expect anything in return. Everyone just wants to live I guess. No one wants to be lonely, but the alternative is problematic too D:

We should hire a homeless guy and get him to deal with all this stuff and then it would all be ok, I would be a bearable flatmate and we'd all be tolerant of our differences and get along merrily. It's not like we'd only find other stuff to bitch and moan about each other, it's not like that at's not like we bitch and moan about everyone, even our closest friends. It's not like I make a big deal about everything I don't really care all that much about, and then end up upsetting and being upset by people I actually do care about very much. Very much indeed. It's not like that at all :(.

Saturday 31 January 2009

is she?

Is she red is she white is she promised to the night?

and her head has no room and her head has no


a Mac for a mak?

Macs were cool once upon a time...but the fact is, they aint anymore. I am not going to go into the Mac vs. PC debate here, because Ash resolved it for me by telling me that it's actually possible to run windows on a Mac, thereby eradicating all compatibility issues and by pointing out that it might be worth buying an actual decent warranty, which would mean that the inevitable repairs wouldn't be such an problem. I can buy a Mac book for 650 pounds (there is no pound symbol on my ergonomic keyboard, what of that?) with a student discount and when it comes down to it, Mac books are quite nice really. They are little, to me 13 inches is the perfect size for a laptop which is important because I take it around a lot, they have those separated keys which are awesome for clumsy typists like myself who tend to make errors, although, I don't think that can do much to solve my lack of ability to spell; and they have magnetic power cables, perfect. I don't need one just yet, but the time to buy a new laptop is fast approaching, sadly. I love my little computer, and it actually works perfectly well, it is small, quite fast, has finger print and voice recognition (har) all in all does the job quite adequately, but the power supply connecting wire is cracked. It's been repaired twice before by Ash's wonderful father and it might well be fixable again. Problem is that this time last year there was a terrible accident involving a cup of tea, my head and a shelf. Anyway, the tea fell off the shelf and into the computer, computer had a near death experience, Computer parts got washed but some bits were a little bit corroded and some tea ended up stuck inside which corroded things a bit more. As a result the innards of laptop are fragile and might break when laptop is taken apart to fix the power supply. Such is the way of these things, it will break :( I will need a new laptop. Pretty much, I want a laptop that is the same size (13) , that isn't going to have power supply issues, that will cope with being lugged about the place, that isn't too expensive. The closest thing to a replacement for my current laptop just happens to be a little 13 inch Mac book affair. The click is rubbish though, there's a flaw!

The problem isn't the computer itself, no, the problem is that contrary elitist twat that I am, I am too good for Mac! Simply because Mac believes it is too good for me >:( . I am clearly too good for Mac people. Really, they annoy me, banging on about how great Macs are all the time when actually it's quite rare that anyone actually makes full use of the bits and pieces the thing has to offer, indeed one might just as well get a cheaper PC that does exactly the same thing and possibly more for half the price. I don't like the way that Mac has almost become some kind of social indicator. Having one sets you apart as a "Mac user", you like to imagine that you actually care about the length of time it takes for your laptop to warm up, as if 40 seconds is just too damn long to wait Charlie Brooker agrees with me, look! I must be right! He even feels the same about the click! :

Just watch the video, maybe you'll see what I mean. It's "consumer product" this "consumer product" that with some mad pop eyed bald guy who's talking about the Mac book as if he's just shat a man sized egg out of his arse and Jesus hatched. And what's that sneaky little guitar bit at the end? I have no idea but to me it sounds a hell of a lot like Coldplay...or fuck, even U2, Christ. I honestly don't know what the world is coming to and I certainly don't want to buy into that.

On the other hand, Stephen Fry likes Macs and iPods and all of these buggers and Stephen Fry is the authority on everything and is not pretentious at all. I would post a link to his blog, but my desktop doesn't want me to have a look at his site. It's warning me that visiting his site might damage my computer because of BADWARE haaahahaha seriously! Anyway, since when have I been worried about looking like a pretentious arse? Isn’t that what I am? I get a massive student discount so I don't need to feel so bad about excessive spending on the thing, at least I'll have the satisfaction of knowing I didn't pay the full price and part of new laptop can be part of a birthday present because of becoming 21. I could be an ironic reluctant Mac owner rather than "user", that's right computer, I OWN you for I am a human and you might be really shiny but I am better than you, I don't borrow your damned services and then bask in your astonishingly engineered, lovely LED illuminated glow and I am not thankful for your damned existence, making life oh so much better than it was before I had you. Fucker.

That's right, damn straight I'm buying a Mac, and I'm going to buy a lovely skin and damn well run windows because WINDOWS PWNS apple, I'll not give in to you! Not ever!


look at these. These are lovely :D

Sunday 25 January 2009


Flora light melted in the microwave with sugar and milk does not make fudge. It does however, make something, and that something is quite tasty. Smooth, slightly chewy, yet melty, a little bit like a really thick lemon curd. I asked Ash if he would eat it on toast, he says he will eat it with a spoon. Here it is about to be eaten with a knife:

Due to the milk being semi skimmed and the flora light being light, I deem micro-fudge a healthy alternative to regular fudge, speaking of which, there are actually many recipes for microwave fudge available on this here google. Here's one with walnuts in:

Don't know if it works, but maybe it's worth a try. I think this is one experiment I'd very much like to continue until I find some satisfactory conclusions! Next time I'll try it with butter...nom.

Goodness! Micro-fudge!

Goodness me, I'm giving up foruming for a while! Whatever next!

This is the story. I made some micro-popcorn and when I opened the bag I was immensly pleased to find that inside the paper was this lovely caramel coating from where the sugar had melted and stuck on, genius that I am, my next thought was toffee, in the microwave!

Not quite bold enough to just put some sugar in there for fear it might just explode, I mixed it with a little water and stuck it in. After 3 minutes out came a spitting bubbling white liquid, sugar definitely disolved but not toffee plan B, in went some semi skimmed milk and a good knob of flora terribly exciting! it came out of the microwave yellow, thick and foamy! I grated in some lemon zest in the vague hope that if it turns into fudge, it will taste nice.

The question of the day is, will melting sugar, flora light and milk together in the microwave make fudge? Now that I've given up forums, I'm becoming so much more productive already...

Thursday 22 January 2009

Breathless with anticipation aren't you :D ?

Ok so I promise I won't ever do that to you again :D

But, you gather the central theme of this blog yes? I love my boyfriend above all else, yes? I also love talking about him very much. He is very gracious in accepting that, as his girlfriend there
are certain duties I must fulfil :D Such as painting him with the make up I don't really wear, taking pictures and putting them on the internet :D

like so...

Don't worry, he forgives me :) He tells me that when he begins to earn lots of money on account of being an uber clever engineering dude, he will buy a DSLR, then I can take actual non blurry pictures to my hearts content :D

I think they might be better if I click large instead of This is something of a test run, the contrast adjustments work for my screen, I don't know about yours, you are welcome to tell me how I am to work this geezer :D More elaborate transformations of Ashley will appear in the near future. Unfortunately he selfishly wanted to be able to see his homework so this is a very hastily done job. Boo,
bad Ash.

It will also likely feature small insights into the lives of my wonderful goldfish Shoom and Anoir, tragic tales of my woeful past, relations of the trials and tribulations of being a reluctant English (and Scottish) Literature student, of Edinburgh University, and of course, links to things that appal and captivate me . Give up already, since I rarely venture out into the real world I imagine that what I write here will not be amusing or interesting in any way. This is a thing you should know from the start. Or maybe I'm setting you up for disappointment by making use of the modesty topos :p Who knows what the future holds eh?

What happens when two things lovely combine...


There are many, many lovely combinations of objects out there just waiting to find each other, something within them is calling, seeking waiting. Alone they are lovely, but mundane. They serve a purpose, they occupy a space, they exist in a state they are desperate to transcend, they want to become sublime...but, they don'
t know it, not yet. Sometimes the union doesn't happen without the help of an external force. Hot apple pie with ice cream, Marmite on buttered toast, cheese with pickle between two slices of bread, McDonald's fries dipped in Mcflurry, unlikely yes, but forgive me, some things you must taste to believe...some things...on these of my most favourite things ever happens to be make up. Not every day, blemish concealing, eye bag hiding, deceitful make up but shiny, shiny make up the colours bright and vibrant, like a coral reef, a pirates hidden chest of jewels or a garden, blossoming suddenly into summer, the high season, the lovely becomes beautiful, the good becomes sublime!

Now, another favourite thing, my most favourite thing, my most beloved of all, my dear lover Ashley Hughes- what on Earth could be better than two of my favourite things ever combined? Shiny, sparkly beautiful, make up and my darling long suffering, ever obedient one Oh! He shall be transformed he shall! He shall be transformed he shall!
