Thursday 22 January 2009

What happens when two things lovely combine...


There are many, many lovely combinations of objects out there just waiting to find each other, something within them is calling, seeking waiting. Alone they are lovely, but mundane. They serve a purpose, they occupy a space, they exist in a state they are desperate to transcend, they want to become sublime...but, they don'
t know it, not yet. Sometimes the union doesn't happen without the help of an external force. Hot apple pie with ice cream, Marmite on buttered toast, cheese with pickle between two slices of bread, McDonald's fries dipped in Mcflurry, unlikely yes, but forgive me, some things you must taste to believe...some things...on these of my most favourite things ever happens to be make up. Not every day, blemish concealing, eye bag hiding, deceitful make up but shiny, shiny make up the colours bright and vibrant, like a coral reef, a pirates hidden chest of jewels or a garden, blossoming suddenly into summer, the high season, the lovely becomes beautiful, the good becomes sublime!

Now, another favourite thing, my most favourite thing, my most beloved of all, my dear lover Ashley Hughes- what on Earth could be better than two of my favourite things ever combined? Shiny, sparkly beautiful, make up and my darling long suffering, ever obedient one Oh! He shall be transformed he shall! He shall be transformed he shall!


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